Isabelle Demeunynck

Posts by Isabelle Demeunynck:

Karaoke in China

If you've been to China, you know how much Chinese people love KTV. Impress your friends with our top five Chinese songs to sing at KTV in China!

14 Mar 2018

Transportation in China

With city populations being larger than or equal to some countries, what are the best methods of transportation in China? Are there options other than the

8 Nov 2017

The Global Chinese Powerhouse

"The Chinese are everywhere!" is echoed daily around the world. How did they get there, what's their relationship with China and how long are they staying?

18 Oct 2017

Chinese TV shows

How can watching a Chinese TV language series improve your language skills? If you have ever tried, you know it’s not an easy task.

11 Oct 2017

Stories from Ancient China

There are many ancient Chinese legends that explain the traditions and phenomenons of the modern world. With a great collection of ancient love stories,

6 Sep 2017

Strange Things On Taobao

Things you shouldn't be able to find on Amazon are things you definitely will find on Taobao. From face shapers to cat outfits to rent-a-friends.

16 Aug 2017